Code line highlighting in Quarto revealjs presentations

Three methods make your code lines stand out

Shannon Pileggi true
`.qmd` source code shows three different methods for code highlighting; on right hand side, image of slide 1 shows line 1 highlighted, image of slide 2 shows line 2 highlighted, and image of slide 3 shows line 3 highlighted.

Figure 1: Left hand side shows .qmd source code; right hand side shows rendered slides with line highlighting.


I started playing with Quarto revealjs presentations, it is fun! Here are three methods I learned to highlight code lines.


Some terminology introduced in the Quarto documentation includes:

For more information on displaying code, see:

Quarto -> Guide -> Tools -> Visual Editor -> Technical Writing -> Displaying code

For a complete overview of all code block options supported in Quarto, see

Quarto -> Reference -> Code Cells -> Knitr.


To highlight code lines in Quarto revealjs presentations, use the option code-line-numbers. This is a Quarto specific cell option for Quarto presentation formats of revealjs. This means that code-line-numbers will not render code highlighting when used in Quarto documents (.qmd) of format html, nor within an R markdown document (.Rmd). Note that Quarto cell options have a dash their name.

I first found this option in presentation revealjs documentation:

Quarto -> Guide -> Formats -> Presentations -> Revealjs -> Code Blocks.

Method 1:

#| echo: TRUE
#| eval: FALSE
#| code-line-numbers: "1"
x <- 1:10

Here, we are executing code cell options via special comments indicated by #|. Comment-based syntax is recommended for Quarto to make documents more portable and consistent across execution engines. See

Quarto -> Guide -> Computations -> Using R -> Chunk Options.

Method 2:

```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE, `code-line-numbers`="2"}
x <- 1:10

Quarto code cell options have dash in their name; R only supports dashes in variable names when wrapped in the back tick.

Method 3:

```{.r code-line-numbers="3"}
x <- 1:10

.r signals a non-compute code block (which is what we used above with eval=FALSE). These are verbatim code blocks with a class set on them for language highlighting. In this case, the language is R.


There is a lot of wonderful Quarto documentation, but navigating it all takes practice and time. I am new to Quarto, so suggestions and corrections to this post are most welcome.

For a quick starter on this topic, you can download the full Quarto revealjs presentation demonstration quarto-code-hl.qmd.

And here are the rendered presentation slides, which you can click through.


Thank you very much to Chris Dervieux for kindly explaining all of this to me on RStudio Community.


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Pileggi (2022, May 12). PIPING HOT DATA: Code line highlighting in Quarto revealjs presentations. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Pileggi, Shannon},
  title = {PIPING HOT DATA: Code line highlighting in Quarto revealjs presentations},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}